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What is bitcoin , Cryptocurrency and USA Top rated banks

What is bitcoin

In this post I will tell you what is bitcoin and how it works so first of all Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency created in 2009 it allows people buy or selling Bitcoins by the different countries and currencies
There are so many wallets who allows you to buy and sell Bitcoins like zebpay these all are digital wallets using these wallets you can purchase are sale the Bitcoins

what is Cryptocurrency 

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that is used to buy bhai or sale goods and services it is not a physical currency is totally online  and you can use this currency why using some wallets these wallets are digital wallets for example zebpay it is a digital wallet that allow YouTube buy or sell the Bitcoins cryptocurrency is a decentralized digital money it is based on block chat blockchain technology you thinking what is blockchain
What is bitcoin , Cryptocurrency and USA Top rated banks

Blockchain is a technology that is p2p topology this technology is very difficult to hack Bitcoin is also network is underpinned by this blockchain technology

Top banks in usa who gives you many facilities.

For years, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Citi have dominated the industry, and this year is no different. The next tier includes U.S. Bank, PNC Bank, Capital One, and others — financial institutions that are innovating in their own right and for their own niche of the market.
Top banks in usa who gives you many facilities.

The FDIC lists 5,083 banks in total in this report. We've only listed the top 250 banks by asset size below.
The average asset size is $4 billion, largely driven up by the biggest four. (For comparison, the average credit union has an average of $286 million in assets.)
The median asset size, by contrast, is $241 million.
The smallest bank on the list is Emigrant Mercantile Bank, with $3.4 million in assets.

These are the most used banks by the public of united states for the investing and saving their money .

What is charity in usa 

CharityNet USA has worked with nonprofits since 2004 and is still going strong. Our headquarters are in Orlando, FL, but our reach is far greater than that—we help nonprofits across the country.

These are mostly used in usa for the many purpose 

African-American Charities

AIDS Charities
Animal & Animal Protection Charities
Asia & Asian-American Charities

Cancer Charities
Civil Rights & Advocacy Charities
Health - General Charities

Homelessness & Housing Charities
The mostly used charity in usa and some other regions 


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